Your Public IP Address:



Other 0.0






🇺🇸 Ashburn, Virginia, United States





Frequently Asked Questions

What is a public IP address?

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a unique identifier, similar to a mailing address, associated with your online activity. It is assigned by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), allowing you to connect to the Internet at home, at work, or on your mobile devices. Your IP address can change as you switch your network, especially when using mobile devices and moving around.

How do I know my public IP address?

Finding your public IP address can be done in a few simple steps but these steps can vary depending on the device type and the operating system you are using. The easiest way is to use a website like that displays your IP address regardless of your technical knowledge or your device.

What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?

IPv4 and IPv6 are two versions of the Internet Protocol. IPv4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol, but IPv6 is the sixth version of the Internet Protocol. IPv4 uses 32 bits for addressing, while IPv6 uses 128 bits for addressing.

What information can my IP address reveal?

Your IP address information can be used by the websites you visit to track your online activities and detect your approximate physical location. It can also be tracked by third parties like your ISP, advertisers, hackers, and government agencies. So it is important to protect your IP address from being exposed.

Should I hide my IP address?

You don’t need to hide your IP address, but some times you may want to due to privacy reasons. Internet service providers can see your browsing habits, what you are using the internet for, and how long you spend on each page and sell that information to advertisers. Hiding your IP address can help protect your privacy and prevent your online activities from being tracked.

Hiding your IP address can be also important when travelling or when working from your favorite coffee shop or any location that is not your trusted home network.

How can I protect my IP address?

There are several ways to protect your IP address from being exposed. You can use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to hide your IP address and encrypt your online activities. You can also use a proxy server to mask your IP address and browse the Internet anonymously. Another way is to use the Tor browser to protect your IP address and maintain your privacy online.

Can my IP address be traced to my home?

No, an IP address cannot pinpoint your exact home address, but it can provide some information about your general location: city, state, country, and even your ZIP code. However, it is not possible to trace your IP address to your home address without the help of your Internet Service Provider (ISP) than can only be given to law enforcement officials or attorneys if you are under a criminal investigation.

Can I request a static IP address to my ISP?

Yes, you can get a static IP address that never changes, submit a request to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) which involves an application process and an extra fee. After obtaining a static IP, enter it in your device's network settings, and it will remain the same until you change it.